
当你不知道下一顿饭从哪里来的时候,你很难集中注意力. We've compiled a list of campus 和 community-based resources to help you find food. 请注意,这不是一个详尽的清单. 



Swipe it Forward is a program for UNH undergraduate 和 graduate students who are challenged by food insecurity to confidentially request 和 receive meal swipes in 食堂 or as a Meal to Go. You must be currently enrolled to be considered 和 swipes are allotted once per academic year.


要请求“向前滑动”,请填写  把它向前滑动请求表单


Make a financial gift by using your credit or debit card to the Swipe it Forward program with UNH的财务捐赠在线表格 


考虑一下把你的滑动捐献给“向前滑动”计划. 有方便的选择捐赠给学生,教师和工作人员. 


Students may donate up to 15 swipes per year for the fall 和 spring semester meal plans only. 学生不能从j学期或夏季学期的膳食计划中捐赠食物. 捐赠的截止日期是4月15日. If you would like to donate meals from an existing plan, please stop into the 校园服务办公室 这样做.


星期一至五上午八时至下午四时三十分 (由于节假日、开支缩减等原因,工作时间可能会有所改变.)
(603) 862-1821


Faculty 和 staff may donate up to 15 swipes per year when purchasing a new meal plan through the online 联合国大学校园社区膳食计划表. If you would like to donate meals from an existing plan, please stop into the 校园服务办公室 这样做.


星期一至五上午八时至下午四时三十分 (由于节假日、开支缩减等原因,工作时间可能会有所改变.)
(603) 862-1821

Faculty 和 Staff can also arrange a gift through a payroll deduction by contacting Business Services at (603) 862-2230.



UNH猫的橱柜, 位于MUB,  helps alleviate food insecurity for the UNH community in need by providing supplemental, 直接访问免费, 营养的食物.

To be eligible for services you must be a current undergraduate or graduate student or employee at the 澳门葡京网赌游戏. 请随身携带您的联合国身份证. 如有可能,请自备可重复使用的袋子携带物品.



请在 基本.needs@mogrenlandscape.com if those 小时 don't work for you 和 we can try to find a time that may work best! 

地点: MUB 140
电子邮件: 猫.cupboard@mogrenlandscape.com

通过我们的网站捐赠给猫的橱柜 亚马逊愿望列表! 


的 food pantry is in room 437 和 is open by appointment only on Tuesdays 和 Thursdays from 12:30PM-5PM.
Food items are picked up weekly by staff volunteers from the 新界食物银行 和 Hannafords Fresh Rescue program. 如果您有任何问题,请发邮件 UNHM.Foodpantry@mogrenlandscape.com 或者访问他们的 网站

你可以通过曼彻斯特食品储藏室进行捐赠 亚马逊愿望列表 

如果社区成员不能来任何一个校园, we encourage you to access this interactive map of available food resources in New Hampshire for an interactive map of available food resources throughout New Hampshire, 由联合国卫生组织合作推广提供.




新界食物银行 distributes food to more than 400 partner agencies across New Hampshire including food pantries, 无家可归者收容所, 汤厨房, 儿童节目, 老年中心等. 搜索 our list of partner agencies to find a food assistance program near you. 参观 食物地图 from the 新罕布什尔州食品银行 for more options including their Mobile Pantry. 

或者通过Foodpantries找到Durham食品储藏室的最新列表.org的 食品储藏室定位器 

他们不仅提供食品储藏室的清单, 同时也提供食物柜的信息, 食物银行, 汤厨房, 集合用餐地点, 食品箱, 抵用券, 等.

的ir comprehensive list of food assistance programs provides full descriptions, 图片, 小时, 志愿者信息, 等.


补充营养援助计划 (SNAP) provides nutrition benefits to eligible low-income individuals 和 families so they can purchase healthy food 和 move towards self-sufficiency. SNAP信息表

补充营养援助计划 – also known as SNAP –  provides food assistance through an electronic card that can be used at grocery stores 和 some farmers’ markets. 你也可以看到这个项目被称为:EBT或食品券.


如欲了解详情及透过卫生及公共服务部提出申请,请浏览:  的发病率.NH.GOV /快速 or 通过网上申请SNAP福利 NH容易

有关您目前的SNAP案例的问题, 请致电1-844-275-3447联系新罕布什尔州卫生与公众服务部. SNAP is a federal program of the USDA 和 administered by the New Hampshire Department of Health 和 Human Services

You can get help completing your SNAP Application online by calling 1-877-347-SNAP (1-877-347-7627) or emailing the 新罕布什尔州食品银行 at snap@nhfoodbank.org



一般来说,参加高等教育机构的学生(i.e., 大学, 大学, trade/technical school) more than half-time are only eligible for SNAP if they meet an exemption. 的 institution of higher education determines what is considered ‘half-time’ enrollment. 满足豁免条件的学生也必须满足所有其他条件 SNAP资格要求.


You are considered a student if you are enrolled at least half-time in an institution of higher education. 的 number of 小时 considered as half-time enrollment is determined by the institution of higher education.

如果你的注册时间少于一半, 学生对SNAP资格的限制不适用于你.


如果你是学生,你遇见 SNAP资格要求, you may be eligible for SNAP if you meet one of the following exemptions:

  • 年龄在18岁以下还是50岁以上.
  • 有身体或精神残疾吗.
  • 每周至少工作20小时.
  • 参加州或联邦政府资助的勤工俭学项目.
  • 参加在职培训项目.
  • 照顾6岁以下的儿童. Care for a child age 6 to 11 和 lack the necessary child care enabling you to attend school 和 work 20 小时 a week or participate in work study.
  • Are a single parent enrolled full-time in 大学 和 taking care of a child under 12. 接受贫困家庭临时援助(TANF)援助.
  • 被分配到, 放置在, or self-放置在 a 大学 or other institution of higher education through:
    • 快速应变就业及培训计划(提前E&T)项目;
    • 某些其他E&针对低收入家庭的T项目, which are operated by a state or local government 和 have an equivalent component to 提前E&T;
    • A program under Title I of the Workforce Innovation 和 Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) (PL 113-128);
    • A Trade Adjustment Assistance Program under Section 236 of the Trade Act of 1974.

如果您不确定您是否符合其中一项豁免,请联系您的 当地SNAP办事处 了解这些豁免如何适用于您的家庭情况.

我参加了校园伙食计划. 我还能得到SNAP吗?

If you receive the majority of your meals through either a m和atory or optional meal plan, 你没有资格申请SNAP. 膳食计划结构可能因机构而异, so state agencies should fully explore your circumstances to determine what portion of your meals are covered by the plan. 你可以找到澳门葡京网赌游戏饮食计划治疗的额外指导 在这里.


如果您是在7月1日之前申请或重新认证SNAP的学生, 2023, 你可能已经获得了临时学生豁免证书. 此时您不需要采取任何行动. 如果您下次重新认证SNAP时仍是学生, you will have to meet a regular student exemption in order to keep receiving benefits.

如果你是在7月1日或之后申请或重新申请SNAP的学生, 2023, 临时豁免不适用于你. 你必须符合常规的学生豁免才有资格获得SNAP.

Additional Information regarding SNAP 和 Food Assistance for College Students can be found 在这里: http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/students


的 食物再利用 项目是一个协作,包括 COLSA 生命科学学院 & 农业), 曾帮工 (农业、营养和粮食系统), 接待服务 和 收集.

该项目利用了巴顿大厅未充分利用的厨房空间. COLSA义工, Dining Services 和 收集 meet weekly to prepare meals with help from creative 收集 head chef, 艾米丽•盖迪斯. 大部分食物是从当地杂货店里抢救出来的, 食堂, 主要研究餐饮, 校园花园. 的 repurposed meals are put in compostable containers 和 transported to 收集’s Portsmouth location 和 then distributed to their mobile market as well as through the UNH Cat's Cupboard. 

对志愿服务感兴趣? 通过收集完成一个应用程序 并在UNH项目下注册. 

如果你对在收集做志愿者有疑问, 请与收集志愿者协调员联系 Volunteer@gathernh.org 点击下面的按钮访问志愿者注册网站.




的 Waysmeet Center creates positive change through direct service grounded in compassion, 股本, 和西北海岸及周边社区的社会公正.

聚宝盆食品储藏室位于达勒姆的米尔路15号, NH, 在UNH校园的Waysmeet中心内. 
他们的开放时间是周二下午3:00-6:00,周三下午1:00-4:00 & 星期五下午12:00-2:00预约. 请致电(603)862-1165或发电子邮件 foodpantry@waysme等enter.org ahead of time to arrange an appointment to pick up a food box within these 小时.

Donations are accepted during or outside our operating 小时 和 can be dropped off in the donation bin inside 的 Waysmeet Center.