
  • 拼贴画展示了横跨两排的六种不同的菊苣

    菊苣品种从左到右, 最上面一排:Bel Fiore, 博洛尼亚, Galileo; bottom row: Rosalba, 特雷维索类型, Costarossa.

  • 主要研究 research scientist 莉莉哈特曼 cuts into a radicchio head while st和ing in a plot at 主要研究's 伍德曼园艺研究农场.

    主要研究 research scientist 莉莉哈特曼 harvests radicchio from a plot at the 主要研究 伍德曼园艺研究农场.

  • 一个人切一颗菊苣的特写


  • 主要研究科学家莉莉·哈特曼在主要研究伍德曼园艺研究农场的一块土地上工作.

    在主要研究伍德曼园艺研究农场, 32 different varieties of radicchio were grown 和 studied in 2022 和 2023 to determine ideal cultivars that can be grown by New Engl和 farmers.

Producing a diverse set of high-quality crops is a keystone component to the success 和 sustainability of many small 和 medium-sized New Hampshire farms. Another component is informed decision-making for capturing new marketing opportunities, such as the 菊苣越来越受欢迎—a colorful 和 bitter leafy vegetable popular in Italian cuisine—among restaurants 和 retailers in New Engl和. 有可能在春季和晚秋生产, 平均销售价格为每头3 - 6美元,且水平较高 消费者寻求的维生素K来支持心脏和大脑的健康在美国,花岗岩州的农民可能正在决定是否在他们的作物组合中加入菊苣. 科学家们 新罕布什尔州农业实验站 (NHAES) are aiding this decision through their research examining which radicchio varieties perform best in northern New Engl和's varied climate 和 how planting date impacts performance of this increasingly popular 和 valuable crop.

“Radicchio is becoming very trendy among chefs 和 local foodies so there’s been an explosion of interest in the crop,空间站的科学家说。 贝基伴奏者. “然而, 这方面的研究很少, 特别是在东北部, 这种作物变化很大,很容易受到天气和气候的影响. 它在这里的表现可能与商业种植的地方大不相同, 在太平洋西北部.”

“因为所有这些因素,她补充道。, “it’s challenging for a farmer in New Engl和 just to begin growing it without information on best-performing varieties 和 ideal growing conditions – making it an ideal crop to 研究.”

“在这个地区,农民经常使用 特色作物 以区别于其他农场和杂货店的产品. 随着他们以生产高质量的产品而闻名,作为他们的招牌产品, 这也有利于消费者, 谁能享用到当地独特的特产.农业、营养和食品系统教授贝基·西德曼说

研究 是由西德曼领导的,他是主要研究的农业、营养和食品系统教授 生命科学与农业学院 (COLSA),并得到COLSA研究科学家的支持 莉莉哈特曼 本科研究员 Ella Lukacz, 24岁. 除了在主要研究进行研究之外 伍德曼园艺研究农场在美国,该团队在缅因大学的合作伙伴进行了同样的研究 缅因州的海摩尔农场. 他们一起成长,一起观察 菊苣有30多个品种 并研究了种植日期对菊苣头的重量和适销性的影响.

的 研究 identified the Chioggia type 和 varieties as having high marketability 和 resilience to disease—making them ideal choices for New Engl和 farmers. 的数据 also indicated that planting radicchio in the third week of June maximized the harvest window, 这可能会让种植者简化收获操作.

基奥吉亚式是大多数美国人最熟悉的一种.S. 消费者,头部实心,圆形,经常是红色的(取决于品种). 在这项研究中, 几个基奥吉亚类型的品种,包括靛蓝, 莱奥纳多, 而珀尔西奥经历了相对较少的闪电和闪电 提示烧伤 并持续生产超过80%的可销售头部. 菊苣属特雷维索类型, 哪一种形成了长叶心形的头, 经常表现出对螺栓的敏感性, 但卡拉瓦乔品种在2022年和2023年都因其抗栓性而脱颖而出. 博洛尼亚 was a high performing variety within the Sugarloaf type, producing large, uniform heads. Varieties of Rosa del Veneto 和 Castelfranco types were also tested 和 showed greater variation.

“到目前为止, 我们已经看到了不同品种在适销性上的巨大差异, 由于不同程度的易感性问题,如螺栓, 尖端烧伤和腐烂,哈特曼描述道。. “And we’ve observed that some varieties just don’t have enough time at their preferred temperatures to mature during our rather short growing season.”

Because the 研究 took place over an unusually dry 2022 growing season 和 a wetter-than-average 2023 season, the research team was able to observe how varieties responded to very different challenges commonly experienced by radicchio growers, 包括腐烂, 抽苔(或过早开花)和尖端烧伤, 一种导致叶片褐变和叶尖枯死的疾病.

的 team observed that some varieties were affected more than others by the seasonal variation. 添加伴奏者, “我们在2022年观察到更多的螺栓, 考虑到天气状况,2023年还会有更多的腐烂. 令人兴奋的是,有些品种在这两年中都有不错的产量.”

的 research team plans to conduct further experiments in 2024 和 beyond to address additional questions, such as how the rate 和 timing of nitrogen application affects marketable yields 和 how cold temperature exposure 和 maturity at harvest impact color development 和 post-harvest storage. This ongoing research is part of a broader project led by Sideman 和 supported by the NHAES examining several varieties of 特色作物,包括 无籽鲜食葡萄地区切花市场的绣球花,以及生产系统和实践 高隧道栽培番茄草莓越冬寒冷气候无花果.

“在这个地区,农民经常使用 特色作物 以区别于其他农场和杂货店的产品,斯德曼说. “随着他们以生产高质量的产品而闻名, 这也有利于消费者, 谁能享用到当地独特的特产.”

This material is based on work supported by the NH农业试验站 through joint funding from the 美国农业部国家粮食和农业研究所 (根据哈奇奖号7003420)和新罕布什尔州. 额外的支持来自 NH蔬菜 & 浆果种植者协会联合国卫生组织合作推广.


Bar chart showing the different radicchio varieties 和 types studied across both growing seasons. Bar chart color indicates variety performance with Harvest = marketable heads produced; Bolt, 腐烂, Tip burn = susceptibility 和 loss to those diseases/issues; Off type = plant head does not match appearance of variety 和 as a result is considered unmarketable; Other Unmarketable = unmarketable heads due to other reasons, such as stunted plant growth; 和 Late = plant not reaching harvest maturity prior to forest/last fall harvest.

NH农业实验站研究员. 贝基伴奏者 is a professor of plant biology 和 extension professor 和 specialist in sustainable horticulture production. She investigates new 特色作物 和 crop production methods for producers in New Hampshire. 了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏她的研究以及她是如何培训下一代作物科学家的.