

约翰·梅尔曼是一位作曲家, 钢琴家, 风琴演奏者, 合唱团导演, 打击乐手兼教师,现与妻子居住在缅因州, 阿比盖尔, 还有两个儿子. His musical talents encompass many genres and styles, from directing the a cappella choral ensemble VoXX:二十之声 为电影配乐.

Mehrmann grew up with his family in New Hampshire, and his love for music began at a young age. 他的第一件乐器是钢琴, 接着是打鼓课, which later became his primary instrument during his undergraduate studies at the University of New Hampshire. Mehrmann earned his bachelor’s degree in music performance in 2007 before pursuing a master’s degree in music 作文 from the New England Conservatory, 他在2010年赚了多少钱.

在主要研究工作期间, 梅尔曼在当地演出, 要求同学们, 并在南希·史密斯教授的指导下磨练了他的打击乐技巧. 小莱斯·哈里斯教授., Chris Kies和Rob Haskins也帮助Mehrmann扩大了他的鼓, 钢琴, 作文, 和音乐史技能. Mehrmann's musical direction further developed during his time in graduate school. Enrolling in a Renaissance counterpoint course proved instrumental in his introduction and subsequent fascination with Renaissance choral music. 这种全新声音的发现促使梅尔曼导演 VoXX:二十之声, 哪家专营不同时代的古典音乐. 梅尔曼一直在积极指导 VoXX, and his creative abilities can be found in the plethora of choral pieces he’s composed for the ensemble.

梅尔曼对音乐教育的热情可以追溯到他的高中时代, 当他开始教中学生打鼓时. 这种日益增长的兴趣最终促使他在这一领域从事自己的职业, where he continues to share his knowledge and expertise with students of all ages. He has held positions as a professor at the University of Maine at Augusta and the Bay Chamber Music School in Rockport as well as instructing music theory at Colby College. Mehrmann recently held the position of music director at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Auburn, 现在担任唱诗班指挥, 风琴演奏者, 和St的钢琴家. 缅因州纽卡斯尔的帕特里克教堂. Alongside these roles, he is a member of the Bangor Symphony percussion section. 他还把他的才华借给了许多其他团体, 比如波特兰交响乐团, 波特兰芭蕾舞, 缅因州歌剧院和缅因州州立芭蕾舞团.

Mehrmann has composed and contributed to numerous short and feature films throughout his career. 他最著名的作品之一是为2020年的恐怖电影, 蜜汁. The soundtrack creates a sense of delirium and unease as it accompanies the story of a young couple forced to seek shelter in the home of an aging farmer and her peculiar son. 梅尔曼巧妙地将各种类型和风格融入到影片中, 包括低沉的吟唱和让人想起牛铃的叮当声, as well as utilizing ordinary household objects and employing techniques that alter his vocal delivery to create a disquieting auditory ambiance. 此外, 音乐有效地利用了低沉的嗡嗡声和不祥的打击乐, 为影片增添了悬念和恐惧的气氛. 使用家里可用的设备, Mehrmann wrote and produced the score in his living room while living in Belmont, 麻萨诸塞州. 值得注意的是,大多数音频内容都是用一个麦克风录制的. 评论家形容这部电影的原声“令人不安”(《澳门葡京网赌游戏》)、“令人不安”(《澳门葡京网赌游戏》)和“年度最佳电影配乐之一”(聚焦电影), further emphasizing the ability of John’s score to contribute significantly to the experience of the film.

梅尔曼还参与了许多其他故事片和短片的制作,包括  (2022), 无人区 (2022)和 嘈杂的地方 (2017). 他的作品曾在几个受人尊敬的电影节上展出, 比如翠贝卡电影节, 棕榈泉国际电影节和罗马电影节. Director Kristen Buckels and Mehrmann are currently working on a new feature film that builds upon the short film 无人区该剧去年首播. Concurrently, Mehrmann is composing the score for a forthcoming Christmas-themed drama.

Mehrmann is also known for his work as the composer of “Transportation Through Time,波特兰交响乐团打击乐的儿童音乐节目 Kinderkonzerts. 这篇文章, 它讲述了三个打击乐手穿越时空的故事, has been well-received by audiences throughout the state for the past 10 years. In addition to this, Mehrmann has also created other notable 作文s such as 颂歌 (2018), 一开始 (2018)和 提升国歌 (2016),这是专为班戈交响乐团制作的.

作为一名作曲家, 打击乐器乐手, 钢琴家, 管风琴手,唱诗班指挥和指导, Mehrmann is a diverse and skilled individual who has richly explored music in  its various forms. 他创作了, 为不同的听众和目的教授和演奏音乐, 从指挥一个古典声乐团体到提供电影配乐. His exceptional career trajectory underscores the potential of music to enrich one’s personal life and serve as a means for achieving professional fulfillment.

For further information on  Mehrmann’s present and forthcoming endeavors, visit his 官方网站.