

杰弗里·索尔(Jeffrey Sohl)是 风险研究中心莱恩斯天使基金 和 professor of entrepreneurial 和 decision sciences in the 彼得T. 保罗经济与商业学院, was the recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Professor Award at the University of New Hampshire's 2022 优秀教师 Awards ceremony held Oct. 13.

Sohl is known internationally for his contributions 和 expertise in policy, 私募股权的实践与研究, 天使投资和风险投资, 和 he was among the first to conduct rigorous studies of angel investing before it became a hot topic. As the director of 主要研究’s 风险研究中心 for 28 years, 他继续为这所大学带来全球认可.

Among the popular courses he developed is the Meaning of Entrepreneurship, 吸引了很多非保罗学院的学生. 多亏了梅尔·莱恩斯的慷慨, Sohl also engineered the Mel Rines Student Angel Investment Fund, 全球首个大学生天使投资基金. 多年来, he has served as the faculty coordinator of the option in entrepreneurial studies. He has also mentored more faculty in the Paul College than any other faculty member, publishing with 17 different faculty members over his career, 自2018年以来的第六次.

斯科特·里普利 | 主要研究营销 | 斯科特.ripley@mogrenlandscape.com | 603-862-1855