彼得T. 保罗商学院 & 经济学

Households on public water systems are willing to pay an average of $13.每月7英镑,合156美元.每年84 on their monthly bills to protect themselves from PFAS — potentially cancer-causing chemicals — according to new research from the 主要研究.  

Targeted Home Systems to Remove PFAS More Cost-Effective Than System-Wide Solutions

Households on public water systems are willing to pay an average of $13.每月7英镑,合156美元.每年84, on their monthly bills to protect themselves from PFAS — potentially cancer-causing chemicals — according to new research from the 澳门葡京网赌游戏.   这个数目不足以... 阅读更多


  • Synectics COO Jeff Spears speaks with people at the 主要研究 Center for 业务 Analytics
    - 理解大数据
    When the 澳门葡京网赌游戏’s Center for 业务 Analytics launched last year, it laid out its mission to connect industry partners with the university’s talented pool... 阅读更多
  • 变得更好
    - 变得更好
    22岁的汉娜·多纳休可能不会, 她自己也承认,  have been quite ready to say goodbye to 主要研究 in the days leading up to graduation this spring, 但多亏了她在学校的时光... 阅读更多
  • 穿着救生衣的学生站在测试水箱的边缘
    - 波浪发电
    An interdisciplinary team of 主要研究 students took a top prize in the national Marine Energy Collegiate Competition hosted by the U.S. 能源部. 阅读更多
  • 热心社区
    - 热心社区
    Jude Blake '77 was recognized as the winner of the 2021 Hubbard Family Award for Service to Philanthropy at the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 during 主要研究's Evening of Distinction... 阅读更多
  • 庆祝2022届毕业生
    - 庆祝2022届毕业生
    主要研究 celebrated the Durham undergraduate Class of 2022 at commencement festivities on campus May 21 and 22, sending the graduates off with four ceremonies on Memorial Field between... 阅读更多
  • 比尔尼汉在新发布的研究报告中, one of the founders of eCoast天使 Investment Network accepts the 主要研究 Entrepreneur of the Year Award
    - 海岸天使被主要研究授予荣誉
    eCoast天使, 一个早期, 商业天使网络于2000年在新英格兰成立, 被任命为澳门葡京网赌游戏的保罗. 霍洛威年度企业家.... 阅读更多
  • 在校园里散步的学生
    - 启动碳足迹分析
    Faculty and staff at 主要研究’s Changemaker Collaborative have been awarded a grant of $27,540 from the Henry David Thoreau Foundation to help fund a clinic centered around carbon... 阅读更多
  • 洗手液和医用口罩
    - 危机中茁壮成长
    Lockdown measures introduced to control the spread of the coronavirus have simultaneously led to the closure of many small businesses as well as the creation of innovative... 阅读更多
  • 露西吉尔松
    - 吉尔森被任命为保罗学院院长
    The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 has named 露西吉尔松 dean of the 彼得T. 保罗商业与经济学院,8月生效. 15, 2022. 吉尔森将接替德博拉·梅里尔... 阅读更多
  • 一个人的手上装满了钱
    - 注意50万美元的差距
    Men in executive leadership receive more than half a million dollars more in severance pay than women, 保罗学院的研究人员发现. 阅读更多