彼得T. 保罗商学院 & 经济学

使用公共供水系统的家庭平均愿意支付13美元.每月7英镑,合156美元.每年84 on their monthly bills to protect themselves from PFAS — potentially cancer-causing chemicals — according to new research from the 主要研究.  

Targeted Home Systems to Remove PFAS More Cost-Effective Than System-Wide Solutions

使用公共供水系统的家庭平均愿意支付13美元.每月7英镑,合156美元.每年84, on their monthly bills to protect themselves from PFAS — potentially cancer-causing chemicals — according to new research from the 澳门葡京网赌游戏.   这个数目不足以... 阅读更多
